Sunday, March 07, 2010

The right time to get get high!

Not often does your mind and heart speak different things. The point at which, there is a conflict of the heart and the mind, it is quite a depressing and frustrating phase of one's life. This is the point where you are lying to thyself about thyself and that feeling is quite miserable. Let me explain to you an incident that happened to me quite recently. It was during an interview with quite a well established firm.

Interviewer: So, Why did you take up computer science as your undergrad?
Mind: I was good at computer in class 10 and it propelled me to take it up in class 11 and 12. Thereafter computer science was quite an obvious choice.
Heart: It was destiny.Damn it!

: What did you like most about engineering?
Mind: Ahem the very fact the it makes you think and face challenges.
Heart: I hated every bit of it. It made me a retard. The only thing I liked was my 1st year workshop lab prof. He was HOT!!!

Interviewer: So What all did you learn during the course of your engineering?
Mind: Well I learnt C, c++, some shell scripting blahhhhhhh.
: I learned to be a dickhead. I learnt that mean bitches get good grades and I never got good grades because I was never a mean bitch.I learned to face arrears and failures with a smile. I learned that when adversity strikes you must strike back adversely. I learned to break up with the same asshole twice. I learned to become a better person. I bet you don't have someone like me in your god damn company and I bet you wont give me the job for these skills that you never have and you'll never acquire.

(Heart and mind to one another)

Heart: You are such a coward. Damn you!!
Mind: You are so stuck up. It high time you get high!


jibbu said...

ur heart to ur mind now : ya macha, u were right... instead of talking to a loser like you all the time, i finally got high and let out all my cribs...

ur mind: dude dont forget it was cos i helped u with my disinhibtion...

Preethi said...

my god!!
ultimate was like going bac to think wat my mind and heart said in tat situation!!

Jayanthi said...

Awesome!!. I accidentally stumbled across your blog and loved every bit of it.