Tuesday, March 02, 2010

On the path of exploration

All of us want only three things in our lives. The three s'es if I could call them. It's success, satisfaction and salvation. We want them at various stages in life, but we often believe to want all of the above mentioned. Right now I want success. When i am a mother I would want satisfaction and if I become a grandmother I would try finding salvation.

Success is something all of us want. It is neither subjective nor objective. It cannot be measured or quantified. The moment you achieve success you want more. The more you achieve success, the more you want it. At this point in life in life you don't want to be satisfied. Success is addictive. Its something you keep wanting until a point where you decide that you have done enough and call it quits.If you are chasing money, there comes a point where you get fed up and just want to stop and discover happiness with what you have. At this stage all you want is satisfaction, the thing you never wanted before.

Satisfaction is the stage where you are not chasing anything. Satisfaction is the stage where you are completely happy with yourself.After you are successfully satisfied, you want to explore salvation. Salvation is quite a complex thing. But it is something we all want to explore. To the liberated souls, success and satisfaction don't mean anything. To be relieved of the feeling of want is salvation.

Life's a bitch. None of us know what we want.We want salvation, which is about giving up wants. While chasing success, we want satisfaction. What I want today is something that I don't want tomorrow. I just discovered that I am not the only confused soul.

1 comment:

Balaji said...

That is why we are humans. We are never satisfied with what we have. No matter what. Expectation is the root. When u don expect, you won't get disappointed. This is called enlightenment. Nothin to do with yo love or lust which you have mentioned in the other post. Well this is my point of you...everybody has their own.
As they said, Hapiness is not a destination. It's a way of life!!